Thursday, November 26, 2009

Detailed Signal Format (from Dr T. Collins)

The 16 bit sample values are stored as unsigned integers with a range from 0 to 1023.

A zero volt signal is sampled as 512.

As 1023 is the maximum, the six most significant bits are never used and so are always zero.

High Byte Low Byte

Where X= 1/0

The EEG digital board samples at a rate of 256 samples per second so a frame of samples is transmitted every 1/256 seconds.

As there are 17 bytes in each frame packet this means that 256x17 = 4352 bytes are transmitted every second.


  1. "The 16 bit sample values are stored as unsigned integers with a range from 0 to 1023."

    Could you clarify what exactly you were referring to as the "16 bit sample values"?

    My understanding is: we have 8 bits in 1 byte and 17 bytes in one frame packet (do we agree on this?)

  2. Bayo:

    Each Channel sends 2 x 8 bit bytes which should be combined to give a 16bit binary number.

    In our case we want CH1 & 2 :
    Bytes 5-6 and 7-8.

    The last 6 digits of this 16 bit number will always be zero though, so the possible values are from 0 to 1023.

  3. I have downloaded Signal lab which is a tool box for visual studio, it makes signal processing and graph plotting really simple. However I have had some problems trying to map EEG data to it, also cannot get to the source code with the free licence.

  4. This might also be useful for someone,
    A VIRTUAL SERIAL PORT EMULATOR, I am thinking of using this so I can port data between Matlab and Vb for signal processing...
